First we need to define what a state is. A state means that the object has variable(s) that may cause it to behave differently, depending on the content of the variables. As an example, the Forms collection is stateful: This is legal code and will compile but we can’t be assured that this will work…
Access CDate() function to SQL Server equivalent
What is the SQL Server equivalent to Access CDate() function? Access SQL SQL Server Equivalent
Pivoting a dynamic set
SQL Server does not allow for a dynamic set, which can be problematic if you need to pivot based on the data that comes from rows and you can have various values in the column. In general, you need a stored procedure and dynamic SQL in order to handle the dynamic pivots. This requires uses…
Hiding the Navigation Pane with VBA
Once you have created an Access Database Application to be used by other people, it may well be important for you to prevent users from gaining access to any of its design features. By this I mean, you may not want users to modify your tables, forms and queries etc in design view (inadvertently or…
Access DateValue() function to SQL Server equivalent
What is the SQL Server equivalent to Access DateValue() function? Access SQL SQL Server Equivalent
“Truthy” and “Falsy” Values
VBA is quite very loose in what it deems “truthy” and “falsy”. For example, this procedure can produce surprising result: At the first glance, it seems expected that if the bit field is set to , it would succeed. But in fact, it wouldn’t because is equivalent to , not . Unless we convert the…
Creating a Make Table Query
Before we create the Make Table Query, you might like to create a new blank database file. This is so we have a separate database into which we can paste the new table from the query. In this exercise I have called it HistoricData.accdb. Here is the procedure to create a Make Table Query: Open…
Use controls, not fields
Sometimes we need to use fields from a RecordSource that aren’t shown on the form. It is legal to reference them directly even if they don’t have a control. For example, we can have a form bound to a RecordSource like so: And only display in a textbox but not show the . In code,…