IS NULL: Understanding and Using the Null Value in Microsoft Access

In Microsoft Access, a null value is a value that is not assigned or unknown. When working with databases, it’s important to understand how to use and identify null values in order to ensure accurate and efficient data management. The IS NULL operator is one of the most useful tools for working with null values…

Pivoting a dynamic set

SQL Server does not allow for a dynamic set, which can be problematic if you need to pivot based on the data that comes from rows and you can have various values in the column. In general, you need a stored procedure and dynamic SQL in order to handle the dynamic pivots. This requires uses…


Module level variables

It is common to create a big wall of declaration in a module such as this: While the code will compile and work fine, the discoverability and naming of the module level variables does become difficult and unwieldy. To help cut down on this ambiguity, it is recommended to create a private user-defined type instead….

Prefer compile time errors over run time errors

In VBA, there are several features that allow us to do things that may not be checked at the compile time. In particular, it is possible to write several late-bound expressions which means that it can potentially contain run-time errors. One common misconception about late-binding is that it’s a matter of adding a reference and…

Minimizing stateful code

First we need to define what a state is. A state means that the object has variable(s) that may cause it to behave differently, depending on the content of the variables. As an example, the Forms collection is stateful: This is legal code and will compile but we can’t be assured that this will work…

Self-documenting code

Strong preference should be given to writing code that is self-documenting. A common approach is to write a lot of comments, but the problem with comments are twofold: It actually can harm the readability because it adds to the overall length of code to read and understand. It must be correct or it can end…

#LateBind Constant

In standard code, we make use of #LateBind conditional compilation constant, which is typically defined via project’s Conditional Compilation Argument in the dialog: NOTE: The dialog can be found via Tools → <project name> Properties, which is located below the Options menu item. The menu item caption will be different as it includes the project…

Using Custom Functions in Calculated Controls

Custom functions work the same way as MS Access built-in functions such as DateAdd, DatePart and DSum, but are instead created ourselves as database developers.  We do this by creating a public function with the VBA programming language and save it inside a global module within the database. Today I am going to explain how custom functions can be…